Out of This World Sci-fi Movies
There have been hundreds of science fiction movies made through out the last century. This is the ultimate Sci-fi lovers dream list. When choosing the top ten movies of all times I really had to weigh my options. I never consider which movies had the best reviews when I decide if I like something, so some of these choices may go against the grain, but they are mine.
A Wizard of Earthsea
Earrthsea is the tale of a young man from a small island. He is the son of a blacksmith, but wants more than a provincial life. In fact, he longs to be a mage. He sets out to become a world class magician, and in the process nearly destroys his world. It is an amazing tale of adventure, romance, and magic.
It is a story about the world Arrakis that is gripped in a battle for the control of spice. The spice Melange is of great value to the people because it is what makes interstellar travel possible. There are two families struggling for control through out the movie. The first is Atreides and the other is the Harkonnens. This movie is full of corrupt leaders, and supernatural powers due to the spice. The main star Paul, son of Duke Leto, leads a rebellion of Harkonnen's to defeat the evil Emperor and free his people.
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi:
The title Return of the Jedi, always made me think of Luke becoming a Jedi, but I have grown to think that perhaps it actually refers to Darth Vader coming back to the light of the force.
It is a definite see, if for some reason you've missed it! Some inside information regarding Han Solo, Harrison Ford said he hated that costume and he would never take up that role again. (He said this at a meeting I was at. You can imagine my surprise and excitement when he reprised his role!)
It is a story that is based on mythology and cult beliefs. The Stargate, a portal device, is found during an archeological dig in Giza, and soon is placed in the possesion of the United States military. After years of research, Daniel Jackson is asked to join the Stargate project and figures out the proper way to use the gate.
The team is then transported to another world, where they have to defeat the evil forces of Ra, and free the people of Abados. This movie inspired the television shows Stargate SG1, StarGate Atlantis, and the upcoming Stargate Universe.
I keep hearing that there is going to be a new Stargate movie, and it will possibly be a trilogy. I am really anxious to see if it pans out!
War of The Worlds:
So, when it hit the big screen in 1953 it was promoted as the "most amazing spectacle of all times!" And, viewers were not disappointed. This is a horrifying tale of an extremely advanced race of Martians attacking the Earth. (IMDB)
The Fly:
Based on George Langelaan's short story, the Fly, starring Jeff Goldbloom, is a true thriller. It is the story of scientist Seth Brundle. He is a wealthy and eccentric scientist who is trying to invent a way to transport matter from one place to another. Unfortunately, something goes wrong with his experiment when a fly's DNA is accidentally incorporated with his own. This is a grotesquely, horrifying tale! (IMDB)
Independence Day:
They mount their attack, destroying most of the inhabitants of those cities, and wipe out world wide communications. The ball is then in the hands of those remaining citizens that are willing to sacrifice and die for their freedom. (IMDB)
It is the story of Mariner (Costner) who is a drifter that finds himself in a battle over a child that has a map to dry land tattooed on her back. It takes place in an Earth where all the polar ice caps have melted, and where the people are forced to live on dry land. (IMDB)
Battlefield Earth:
It is the story of humans who have been enslaved to help an alien race the Psychlo's strip the Earth of all its natural resources. Tyler (Pepper) decides to rid the world of the Psychlo and he leads his people to freedom. (IMDB)
The Matrix:
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